Plainfield Friends Meeting Service
105 S. East St., Plainfield, IN 46168
Join us for Worship Service at 10:30 on Sunday!
The Meeting office will be open regular hours each day – Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
Church Office Phone: 317-839-6490
Welcome to Plainfield Friends Meeting/Church!
As you explore our website, I hope you will discover the many ways our church family is seeking to grow spiritually as well as the many ways we are seeking to share God’s love in our community.
As a community of faith, each of us has different spiritual gifts and different ministry callings, different personalities, different life experiences, different likes and dislikes — and yet, it is those very differences that enable us to worship and to serve God together in many wonderfully-different ways with a shared vision and mission:
“Plainfield Friends Church (Meeting) is an active, caring, joyous church (Meeting), which is focused on Jesus Christ and His teaching. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to empower individuals to grow in Christ and to witness through their daily lives in the community and world at large.” (Plainfield Friends Mission Statement)
I invite you to join us. We would love to get acquainted, and perhaps God will lead you to find a place — a spiritual home — among f/Friends – right here at Plainfield Friends.
-Cathy Harris
- 9:30 AM – Unprogrammed Worship
- 9:30 AM – Sunday School
- 10:30 AM – Worship Service
Recent Worship Services:
The Quaker Qualities
Blog Posts:
“The reason we can hope to find God is that he is here, engaged all the time in finding us.”
-Rufus Jones
Friends believe that Jesus’ commands involve two priorities:
To love God and love people (Matthew 22:37-40)